Zazueta Law secured a victory in Wallace v. Hon. Smith/Nava Cruz et al., with the Arizona Supreme Court affirming that courts must follow ARCAP 7 when setting supersedeas bonds, reinforcing judicial authority over appellate procedures.
This is a case of Elda N. Rodriguez appealing the superior court's grant of summary judgment to Maria Guadalupe Ortega Placido in a fire damage case. Rodriguez argued that Placido caused the fire to spread to her home due to negligence and trespass.
As an active board member for Goodwill of Central & Northern Arizona (“GCNA”), attorney Fabian Zazueta helped raise over $300,000 at the first annual GCNA Gala. All proceeds were raised to assist GCNA in its mission of ending poverty through the power of work.
Zazueta Law successfully represented José Velasco against KERRU LLC. Our client was at risk of being evicted by the administrators of the “parking lot”. The argument from the administrators was that their trailers were recreational vehicles and could not be on that site.
Fabian Zazueta, Esq. has been selected to the 2022 Southwest Rising Stars list by Super Lawyers. This is the third consecutive year that attorney Zazueta has been selected by Super Lawyers Rising Star for “General Litigation”.
Fabian Zazueta, Esq. has been selected to the 2021 Rising Stars list by Super Lawyers. This is the second consecutive year that attorney Zazueta has been selected by Super Lawyers Rising Star for “General Litigation”.
Zazueta Law, PLLC, is pleased to announce that Garrett Respondek has joined the firm as an associate.
Family of Buckeye man killed in self-defense shooting say law enforcement's slow response led to death. Click here to learn more.
Claim filed by family of man killed in Buckeye shooting reveals two alleged witness accounts.
Fabian Zazueta has been named amongst the Rising Star Attorneys in Arizona. A full page article is in the Super Lawyers magazine and can been read here.
Fabian Zazueta has been named amongst the Leading Attorneys in Phoenix, AZ. A full page article is in the So Scottsdale magazine and can been read here.
Fabian Zazueta defends Jia-Yee Lai in the Arizona Court of Appeals. On Tuesday, September 10, the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division One, heard oral arguments in True North Companies, LLC v. Jai-Yee Lai, regarding A.R.S. § 12-752 a/k/a Arizona's Anti-SLAPP statute (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation).
Fabian Zazueta defends Jia-Yee Lai in the Arizona Court of Appeals. Read More. to learn more about the court case.
Fabian Zazueta represents the Arizona Sports and Entertainment Commission against the Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl. Read More. to learn more about the court case.
Fabian Zazueta represents a victim of Joe Apaio's racial profiling. Read More. to learn more about the latest information.
Zazueta Law, PLLC, doing active pro bono counsel for the Consulate General of Mexico in Phoenix
Zazueta Law, PLLC, doing pro bono work for the Salvadoran Consulate which benefits both Arizona businesses and the Salvadoran community!
Fabian Zazueta represents the Arizona Sports and Entertainment Commission against the Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl. Plaintiff Arizona Sports and Entertainment Commission (“ASEC” or “Plaintiff”), by and through undersigned counsel, hereby files its Complaint against Defendant TD4Tucson d/b/a Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl (“Nova Home”).
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